Welcome to Tania, with love… Again
Hi friends, it’s been a while. What started as a creative outlet for my shopping/gift-giving obsession amidst pretty bleak times has evolved to become part of my business. Since launching Tania, with love back in 2020, I have since reached some of my biggest goals that were years in the making and have successfully transitioned from working for a massive corporation to being my own boss. I am now a licensed architect in two (and counting) states. And am working on projects that I truly am excited about.
If you have stuck with me from the beginning, thank you! I hope that you will continue to enjoy my shopping round-ups and reviews as I evolve and grow Tania, with love. I am planning on sharing more home decor, DIY, and life updates as well, and bringing you along on this journey as I figure out how to manage solo entrepreneurship, take care of my health, and enjoy the finer things in life.
If you are new here, welcome! If you enjoy design, shopping, and a good book, I am pretty confident you will like it here. Stay tuned for weekly updates! Sign up for exclusive content I will be sharing only via my monthly newsletter that will be launching very soon. Sign up below for more updates—so many exciting things to come.
Thanks for being here!